
Saturday, July 9, 2016

Scissor Skills Sourcebook Review

About the Scissor Skills Sourcebook
A comprehensive and sequential approach for successfully teaching proper scissor cutting skills to children aged 2 to 7 years and children with special needs. This sourcebook has been specially designed by a leading Occupational Therapist as a complete resource for introducing and successfully teaching proper scissor cutting skills to children who have difficulty using scissors, have given up trying to cut with scissors, and for younger preschoolers who have not shown any interest in cutting with scissors.

My Experience
Mr. C is four and is a year away from starting Kindergarten. He has used scissor some, but has difficulty because he is left handed. I'm not sure if it is best to get him to use his right hand or let him use his dominant left hand. This book teaches more than just scissor cutting. It gives many ideas on promoting hand dominance, gross motor skills and fine motor skills. As well as hand position. finger position and scissor orientation. Because it has teaching strategies and advice along with the hands on program it is very comprehensive. Most of the projects have three difficulty levels so they can be customized for each child based on age or ability. The projects progress in difficulty from straight lines, curved lines, and shapes. All the designs are fun! I started my son off on the Bag of Candy project. He colored the candy bag and then cut it out along the black outline. Because he hasn't had too much practice, I wasn't sure how well he would do. Although he didn't stay on the line the entire time, I was impressed with his ability. After he was done with the first project he asked to do another. Even his older brother, he is seven years old, wanted to do a project too. I found a more challenging one with irregular shapes. Overall, this is an excellent resource for teachers and parents that have children that need to learn scissor cutting skills.

You can purchase the Scissor Skills Sourcebook here.

I received this product on a promotional discount for my honest review and they are 100% my own opinions. I am also not associated with the seller in any way.